Sorry for not updating very often. <:)  WIth School, script writing, filming and editing, ( not to mention homework ). I don't have a lot of time to update my blog. :\  Anywho... A Thanksgiving special is on its way! :D i'm glad I was able to finish it. ^^ I wont be home on Thanksgiving i'll be at a family reunion. O.o for the first time since I was..... 4 I think! D:  
I hope you all have a FANTASTIC thanksgiving! ^^ i'm especially excited, because after Thanksgiving is CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! :D 
You will all be pleased to know that I have been busy filming all weekend! :D unfortunately the videos wont be up until Oct. 30th and 31st :\ But thats only 5 days away! :D 
I've been working on a plot-lone for Happy Girl, incase she ever has her own movie some day. XD So! Here is some Background on Happy's world.

Shape-shifters are rare because it is forbidden for a magical creature and a normal creature to be together. 

since it is forbidden. whenever a magical creature marries a normal creature ( In Happy's case, her Dad is a pegasus and her mom is a normal horse ) their love must be incredibly strong to ignore the consequences. Because love is the most powerful form of magic. It is 80% more likely that their child(ren) will end up being full of magic. Which makes them able to shape-shift.

Now, back up a bit… Why is marriage between a pegasus and a horse, or say, a Elf and a Human forbidden? because of The Magic Hunters ( Or just, "Hunters" ). 

A race that can feed off the magic of other creatures and gain their power. Shape-shifters ( or "Shifters" )  use to be normal. But once the Magic hunters arrived ( i'm still working out where they came from ), they started to take the magic from shape-shifters. Giving the magical ability to the Hunter.  And once the magic is drained from a shape-shifter ( seeing as they were born in magic ), they die. 

The Hunters became so powerful, because there is no limit to how much magic they can have. The magic they take can only last for so long before it fades. They grew so powerful, they took over the land ( still working on a name for the land). But it's only a matter of time before the Hunters drained so many Shifters, that there wasn't any left. They went extinct. And without magic. Hunters are as powerless as normal creatures. 

The Hunters were defeated. And to prevent them from ruling again, it is forbidden for a non-magical creature to marry a magical one. 

But sadly… Shifters aren't the only magical creature. They're the MOST magical. but not the only ones. So now Hunters, take the magic from Elves, Pegasi, Gnomes, etc. But they're magic fades from the Hunters faster than a Shifter's magic will. And unlike Shifters, magical creatures do live through the process of having their magic drained. But it leaves them weak. Causing some to die and others to live. 

And since Happy is a Shifter… that makes her the Hunters number one target. 
 But, they don't even know she exists. Seeing as she ( and a few of her siblings ) are the only Shifters left.

Next question: Why do the Hunters drain magic at all? They could just leave them be, but they don't…Why?
 It's a right of passage. Once a Hunter becomes old enough they're given the task of draining the magic from a creature. but that still leaves the question… Why do they keep on doing it? Hunters are old creatures. Some of them can even outlive Elves! Most live a life remembering the power magic brings, and crave more and more of it.

SO! You know how names are important to fairies in Petrone? Well, for fun I looked up what Jackie's name ment. Jaclyn is her full name so I used that. Here's what it came up with.
What Does Name "Jaclyn" Mean?

You are honest, benevolent, brilliant and often inventive, full of high inspirations. You are courageous, honest, determined, original and creative. You are a leader, especially for a cause. Sometimes you do not care to finish what you start, and may leave details to others. You can do well in position of authority, and prospers in intellectual and professional fields. You are bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. You know what you want and why you want it. 

You are always looking for an opportunity to achieve financial and emotional security. You are basically peacemaker. You understand the law of harmony and desire to balance your life with those around you. You may feel incomplete without someone to share your love, ideals, wealth or work. Symbolically, your prime challenge is fear, fear of being alone, but on a higher place, you just feel unhappy where there is a lack of harmony or evidence of disapproval. You can be very sensitive and could appear a bit shy and perceptive. You have developed intuition, patience and the ability to nurture others. 

I have never heard a better way to describe Jackie! O.O 
I might need to work this into the story!!! 

I'm sorry I didn't upload a video this week. <:( I was planning to. But this week my Mom decided to re-paint my room. So My room is a mess. XD But my video will have a new BG color! ^^ 
I also have a few tests in school this week. |:{ Bleh...  I am getting scripts done though! :) So i'm sorry for my lack of videos. Hopefully I'll be able to get one up soon. <:) 
The script for F.O.O.D agents part...5? 6? Is done! :D Hopefully I can get that up this weekend! ^^